Slovak HC Cup again on Moris Cup 2014

In recent days, the first event of Slovak Hill Climb Cup took place in Ozdany and also the first championship event of our northern neighbors in the Polish Zaluza.

Despite of expectations, the number of Slovak and Polish participants was lower than in previous years. Based on that, organisers of the 6th year of Moris Cup decided to satisfy Commision PAV SAMS where Slovak Cup will also be part of the race. 

Due to the particularities of the hill, the implementation of this decision will not be easy. 

Jahodná is located in a narrow valley in which the only venue to host the car service is in resort Jahodná, about 3 behind the finish. 

Area of these parkings , is however sufficient for only for up to 50 to 60 teams , so that other participants have service at the narrow driveway , where in addition organizers also need to line up racing and service cars to feed them to the start. 

That need together with operating the feed makes hard work for organizers and places high demands on race schedule. 

Organizers long time considered the possibility, recalculated options, finally decided to comply with the requirement to include the SKP but the total number of participants can not exceed the number 110 

That means that priority for applications will be accepted from participants of both FIA championships and two national championships-Slovak and Polish and application of competitors SKP in the order they will arrive, to max the total number of 110. 

Samostatné zvláštne ustanovenia pre SKP sú zverejnené spolu s ostatnými informáciami na oficiálnej stránke organizátora a tiež na webstránke SAMŠ..